10 Awesome Apps to Get You Through COVID-19 Outbreak

Whether you’ve been the life of the party your whole life or the adopted introverted friend, being trapped at home may or may not drive you insane.
With all the news of the movement control, you’re probably upsetti spaghetti thinking about spending another couple long dreadful weeks indoors.
If you’re one of those who believe in trying new things in these weeks, the following list might just be what you need. Here are the 10 Awesome Apps to Get You Through COVID-19 Outbreak.
1. Groceries
Apps: Tesco Online, Happy Fresh, Redtick

Running out of groceries is one of the biggest worries of locals during this movement control order but this certainly does not mean that you have to induce yourself in panic buying.
Calmly, buy only what is necessary and stock up on what is needed using online grocery apps and websites such as Tesco Online, Happy Fresh and Redtick. Receive their online promotions, discounts and surprise gifts while shopping for groceries.
2. Food Delivery
Apps: Grabfood, Foodpanda, Epic Fit Meals Co

Are you bored of home-cooked meals and have food cravings that need to be satisfied? Try opting for one of the food delivery services such as Grabfood, Foodpanda and Epic Fit Meals Co.
Grabfood is implementing contactless delivery thus urging it’s customers to go cashless throughout this pandemic. Working closely with their merchant partners, they are also strictly ensuring that all orders are sealed properly for hygiene purposes. Even through Covid-19 , Foodpanda has decided to operate as usual for their loyal customers and is giving out incentives for their workers if tested positive for Covid-19.
Epic Fit Meals Co promises their customers a delivery within 45 minutes and has taken the initiative to introduce a new combo called The sama-sama combo for only RM20 to really keep a deal in place. Pick up your phone and order now!
3. Online Learning
Apps: Udemy, Coursera, Big Think

Education should be obtained at all ages and learning is a lifelong process that never stops. If you’ve been thinking of picking up an online course then this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Udemy offers 100,000 online courses with lifetime access. Learn from industry experts and find your choice of video courses only on Udemy.

Alternatively online learners can also opt for Coursera and Big Think. Coursera offers top notch courses from elite universities and a hands on client project at the end of almost every selected course which is an excellent choice for individuals who’d like a in depth, practical
4. Fitness
Apps: Nike Training Club, Asana Rebel
Keeping in shape during quarantine is a little tough considering that you can’t hit the gym or go for a jog at the nearby park like your regular workout routine. But here’s what you can do. Do download these workout apps and make your work out routine at home something to look forward to.

Nike training club is a home workout app that provides 185 free workouts ranging from strength and endurance based to mobility and yoga sessions.

If your preference is highly based on yoga we would suggest the Berlin based app called Asana Rebel. With Asana not only can you dive into a workout routine of personal trainers but you can also listen to soothing music that helps you calm down or for meditation purposes.
5. Video Calls
Apps: Google Duo, Facetime, WeChat

A lot of us might be going through a difficult period during this lockdown thus, it’s vital to keep in touch and ask for each other’s well being regularly.
Google Duo let’s you call and talk face to face with up to 8 people at a time. Never miss an important moment with Google Duo. Users may also opt to Facetime and WeChat during this quarantine season to let their dear ones know that they are loved at all times.
6. Reading
Apps: Amazon Kindle, Nook, Wattpad
What more could be greater than the combination of your imagination and a wild story. Escape to your fantasy world using the app of your choice.

Amazon Kindle, Nook and Wattpad are some of the perfect choices for bookworms. Amazon Kindle offers an 80% off monthly deals to its
purchasers which is truly a great bargain. Shout out to my fan fiction readers! Wattpad is readily available for you. All you have to do is download the app and start searching for fan fictions that suit your imagination.
7. Movie Streaming
Apps: Apple TV, Netflix, Viu

Movie buffs we feel your pain. Not being able to go to the nearest cinema and get the full experience has got to be a sad trip for y’all. At the time being you’ll always have Netflix to stream movies and series with great plots.
Aside from that you can always opt for Apple Tv and Viu. Viu offers nothing but the latest Korean dramas, variety shows and other various Asian programs all for free. Now is the time to catch on all your favourite K-dramas and fangirl all the way!
8. Music Streaming
Apps: Spotify, Apple Music, Joox

For most of us music is like breathing and it’s necessary for us to get through the day. Can you imagine how boring and melodyless this world would be without music? What a dull world would it be.
During these lockdown hours, we want you to seize the day with your favourite music. Use apps like Spotify, Apple Music and Joox to keep your spirits lifted up!